Yesterday is a History, Today is a Reality, and Tomorrow is a Mystery.

"Cinta x boleh dilihat oleh mata, x boleh didengar oleh telinga, x boleh disentuh oleh tangan. Cinta hanya boleh dirasa dengan hati, seperti hati aku merasa kamu"

Saturday, May 22, 2010

NEW HOTTEST STORY...(^_^) nak share my new workpiece wif u all...I really need ur opinion! If critism i get, insyaallah i will work harder to please ur heart n my satisfaction. If i get compliment, thank u coz I'll work harder power of 2 to give the best piece from the best... FYI, aq punya tajuk story 2 is 'Sayang, 143' rasa sumer org dh taw mksd 143 tu cuma  persoalannya kenapa wujud jargon baru ni??? Is it bcoz of EGO? or MALU? Hanya yg mengalami dpt mengerti. Anda macam mana??

1 comment:

  1. ego absolutely.
    grrrr hell yeahh cover pic;P
    citer tue sumpah killing ;))
